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Research-Based Strategies

Current Focus Areas

Ongoing Research Projects

At Outside the Classroom, we focus on implementing cutting-edge strategies to address student non-academic needs and create a positive learning environment. Our research-based approach ensures that we are always up-to-date with the latest findings in the field of education. Check out our ongoing research projects below!

Inclusive Classrooms

We are currently researching strategies to create more inclusive classrooms that support all students, regardless of their background or learning style.

Social-Emotional Learning

Our upcoming research project will focus on developing social-emotional learning programs that help students build resilience, manage stress, and develop healthy relationships.

Student Engagement

Our ongoing research project on student engagement aims to identify effective strategies for keeping students motivated and invested in their learning.

Early Childhood Education

We are currently researching best practices in early childhood education, with a focus on developing foundational skills in literacy and numeracy.

Technology in the Classroom

Our upcoming research project will explore the role of technology in the classroom, and how it can be used to enhance learning outcomes for all students.

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